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[港股财报]:维珍妮2023/24 年度报告 -尊龙凯时人生就博

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annual report2023/24年度報告stock code 股份代號: 2199 about us關於我們維珍妮國際(控股)有限公司(「維珍妮」或「本公司」)及其附屬公司(統稱「本集團」)於1998年在香港創立,是全球領先的貼身內衣製造商。維珍妮透過採用創新設計製造(「idm」)業務模式,憑藉電腦模具設計與製作、立體模壓成型、無縫黏合三大核心技術打造多元技術矩陣,為長期合作的國際知名品牌夥伴開發及製造多項引領市場的暢銷產品,涵蓋貼身內衣(包括胸圍、內褲、塑身內衣)及胸杯、運動產品(包括運動胸圍、功能運動服裝)、消費電子配件、鞋履產品等幾大板塊,實現跨行業及跨品類的應用拓展。本集團致力開展多區域產能佈局,擁有兩大策略據點-依託本集團的研發(「研發」)及中國生產基地推動國內市場發展,以及於2016年擴產的越南重要生產基地支持出口業務增長,同時持續通過自動化及數碼化管理提高生產效率及核心競爭優勢。此外,維珍妮致力推動環境和社會的可持續發展,根據聯合國2030年可持續發展目標制定了涵蓋減碳、廢物管理、可持續的創新發展與人才以及社區四個層面的2030年四大目標,以負責任的態度為持份者創造長期價值及承擔社會責任。founded in hong kong in 1998, regina miracle international (holdings) limited (“regina miracle” or the “company”) and its subsidiaries (collectively, the “group”) are a global leader in the intimate wear manufacturing industry. by adopting an innovative design manufacturer (“idm”) business model and building on a diverse technology matrix with three core technologies: computer-aided mold design and production, 3d compression molding, and seamless bonding, regina miracle is able to develop and produce market-leading products for its long-standing world-renowned brand partners which cover various key sectors comprising intimate wear (including bras, panties, shapewear) and bra pads, sports products (including sports bras, functional sports apparel), consumer electronics components, and footwear, and facilitate cross-sector and cross-category applications.the group is committed to multi-regional production capacity deployment. it has two strategic strongholds – its research and development (“r&d”) and production bases in china to promote the expansion of the domestic prc market, and its major production base in vietnam, which the group has expanded into since 2016 to support the growth of its export business. the group also continues to enhance production efficiency and core competitive advantages through automation and digital management.in addition, regina miracle endeavors to promote environmental and social sustainable development. based on the united nations’ 2030 sustainable development goals, the group has established four goals for 2030 covering four key aspects, namely carbon reduction, waste management, sustainable innovation, and people and community, with a view to creating long-term value for stakeholders and assuming social responsibility with a responsible attitude. contents目錄corporate information2公司資料financial highlights5財務概要chairman’s statement6主席報告management discussion and analysis12管理層討論及分析profile of directors, senior management andcompany secretary33董事、高級管理層及公司秘書的履歷report of the directors41董事會報告corporate governance report62企業管治報告independent auditor’s report84獨立核數師報告consolidated income statement92綜合收益表consolidated statement of comprehensive income93綜合全面收益表consolidated balance sheet94綜合資產負債表consolidated statement of changes in equity96綜合權益變動表consolidated statement of cash flows 97綜合現金流量表notes to the consolidated financial statements99綜合財務報表附註financial information summary192財務資料概要 corporateinformationcorporateinformation公司資料 3年度報告2023/24 annual report 2023/24corporate information公司資料board of directorsexecutive directorsmr. hung yau lit (also known as yy hung) (chairman and chief executive officer)mr. yiu kar chun antony (chief financial officer)mr. liu zhenqiangmr. chen zhiping (chief operating officer)ms. sze shui lingindependent non-executive directorsdr. or ching faimrs. to wong wing yue anniems. tam laiman (resigned on 3 july 2024)ms. moh angela jen-yin (appointed on 3 july 2024)board committeesaudit committeedr. or ching fai (chairman)mrs. to wong wing yue anniems. tam laiman (resigned on 3 july 2024)ms. moh angela jen-yin (appointed on 3 july 2024)remuneration committeemrs. to wong wing yue annie (chairman)mr. hung yau lit (also known as yy hung)ms. tam laiman (resigned on 3 july 2024)ms. moh angela jen-yin (appointed on 3 july 2024)nomination committeemr. hung yau lit (also known as yy hung) (chairman)mrs. to wong wing yue anniems. tam laiman (resigned on 3 july 2024)ms. moh angela jen-yin (appointed on 3 july 2024)environmental, social and governance committeemr. chen zhiping (chairman)ms. sze shui lingdr. or ching faiauthorised representativesmr. yiu kar chun antonymr. law kwan chuencompany secretarymr. law kwan chuenauditorpricewaterhousecooperscertified public accountantsregistered public interest entity auditor22/f, prince’s buildingcentralhong kong董事會執行董事洪游歷(又名洪游奕)先生 (主席兼首席執行官)姚嘉駿先生(首席財務官)劉震強先生陳志平先生(首席營運官)施穗玲女士獨立非執行董事柯清輝博士陶王永愉女士譚麗文女士(於2024年7月3日辭任)莫仁瑛女士(於2024年7月3日獲委任)董事委員會審核委員會柯清輝博士(主席)陶王永愉女士譚麗文女士(於2024年7月3日辭任)莫仁瑛女士(於2024年7月3日獲委任)薪酬委員會陶王永愉女士(主席)洪游歷(又名洪游奕)先生譚麗文女士(於2024年7月3日辭任)莫仁瑛女士(於2024年7月3日獲委任)提名委員會洪游歷(又名洪游奕)先生(主席)陶王永愉女士譚麗文女士(於2024年7月3日辭任)莫仁瑛女士(於2024年7月3日獲委任)環境、社會及管治委員會陳志平先生(主席)施穗玲女士柯清輝博士授權代表姚嘉駿先生羅鈞全先生公司秘書羅鈞全先生核數師羅兵咸永道會計師事務所執業會計師註冊公眾利益實體核數師香港中環太子大廈22樓 regina miracle international (holdings) limited 維珍妮國際(控股)有限公司4corporate inf





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