c174551 corporate information公司資料board of directorsexecutive directorsmr. vincent chow wing shing chairman and group general managerdr. gerald chow king singmr. winston chow wun sing group deputy general managerms. genevieve chow karwingnon-executive directorsmr. stephen ting leung huelmr. chung pui lamindependent non-executive directorsdr. chan bing funmr. lee ka lundr. lo king manmr. stephen lau man lungmr. hsu rocksoncompany secretarymr. quentin wong kwun shuenregistered officeclarendon house, 2 church streethamilton hm 11, bermudaprincipal place of business4/f, chow sang sang building229 nathan road, kowloonhong konglegal advisersbaker & mckenziewilkinson & gristauditorernst & youngcertified public accountantsregistered public interest entity auditorprincipal bankersstandard chartered bank (hong kong) limitedaustralia and new zealand banking group limitedthe hongkong and shanghai banking corporation limitedhang seng bank limitedindustrial and commercial bank of china limitedbank of china (hong kong) limitedbnp paribas hong kong branchwebsitewww.chowsangsang.com董事會執行董事周永成先生 主席兼集團總經理周敬成醫生周允成先生 集團副總經理周嘉頴女士非執行董事丁良輝先生鍾沛林先生獨立非執行董事陳炳勳醫生李家麟先生盧景文博士劉文龍先生許洛聖先生公司秘書王君璿先生註冊辦事處clarendon house, 2 church streethamilton hm 11, bermuda主要營業地點香港九龍彌敦道229號周生生大廈4樓法律顧問貝克.麥堅時律師事務所高露雲律師行核數師安永會計師事務所執業會計師註冊公眾利益實體核數師主要往來銀行渣打銀行(香港)有限公司澳新銀行集團有限公司香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司恒生銀行有限公司中國工商銀行股份有限公司中國銀行(香港)有限公司法國巴黎銀行香港分行網站www.chowsangsang.com 75 independent auditor’s report 83 consolidated statement of profit or loss 85 consolidated statement of comprehensive income 86 consolidated statement of financial position 88 consolidated statement of changes in equity 90 consolidated statement of cash flows 92 notes to the consolidated financial statements 202 particulars of properties held 207 definitions 2 financial highlights 3 chairman’s message 4 board of directors and senior management 9 management discussion and analysis 17 report of the directors 27 environmental, social and governance report 59 corporate governance report獨立核數師報告綜合損益表綜合全面收益表綜合財務狀況表綜合權益變動表綜合現金流量表綜合財務報表附註所持物業詳情釋義財務摘要主席致辭董事會及高級管理人員管理層討論及分析董事會報告環境、社會及管治報告企業管治報告contents目錄 chow sang sang holdings international limited annual report 2023 周生生集團國際有限公司 2023 年報1 chow sang sang holdings international limited annual report 2023 周生生集團國際有限公司 2023 年報2financial highlights財務摘要20232022hk$’000hk$’000change千港元千港元變動continuing operations持續經營業務turnover營業額retail零售24,274,49619,751,940 23%other businesses其他業務738,843804,576-8% 25,013,33920,556,516 22% profit/(loss) for the year attributable to owners of the company本公司擁有人應佔年內 溢利╱(虧損)continuing operations持續經營業務1,060,359486,365 118%discontinued operation終止經營業務(47,679)(34,039) 40% 1,012,680452,326 124% earnings per share – basic and diluted每股盈利 – 基本及攤薄for profit for the year年內溢利149.5 cents仙66.8 cents仙 124%for profit from continuing operations持續經營業務溢利156.5 cents仙71.8 cents仙 118%dividend per share每股股息– interim– 中期20.0 cents仙15.0 cents仙– final– 末期40.0 cents仙15.0 cents仙 total dividend per share for the year全年每股股息總額60.0 cents仙30.0 cents仙 dividend payout ratio派息比率40e%equity attributable to owners of the company本公司擁有人應佔權益12,204,07211,890,543 3%equity per share每股權益$18.02元$17.55元 3%turnover – continuing operations營業額 – 持續經營業務5,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,00020192020202120222023year年份hk$’m百萬港元retail 零售 other businesses 其他業務01,9002,06614,99821,98813,09819,92280520,55719,75273925,01324,2741,45417,71216,258return on equity權益回報........................................................................................024681020232022202120202019................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................%4.5%5.0%3.8%8.3%6.1%year年份profit attributable to owners of the company – continuing operations本公司擁有人應佔溢利 – 持續經營業務02004006008001,0001,2002023hk$’m百萬港元year年份20192020202120221,0006397441,060486 chow sang sang holdings international limited annual report 2023 周生生集團國際有限公司 2023 年報3chairman’s message主席致辭i am pleased to report that in 2023 the group emerged from the darkness of the pandemic to record a profit of hk$1,013 million, an increase of 124% over the year before.that brings us back to roughly the level of 2018. the post-pandemic rebound, in mainland china especially, clearly lacked momentum.we look forward to the growth-oriented policies from the central government bearing fruit. we are poised to welcome new guests from the mainland under the relaxed travel schemes. we wait in anticipation for the hong kong government’s effort to revive the economy to make progress.that landlords in hong kong w